
13 Questions with Jayme Dandeneau, RN, BSN, Oncology Nurse Navigator, Rose Bove LaRose Cancer Center


杰米·丹德诺, RN, BSN, oncology nurse navigator in the Rose Bove LaRose Cancer Center at 戴金宝医院 (DKH), spending her spare time working on her farm in Foster, Rhode Island is the perfect antidote to a long work week. And it’s something she wouldn’t miss for the world.

Jayme grew up on her family’s farm in Burrillville, Rhode Island. It was never a doubt for Jayme that she would grow up to have a farm of her own.

“I’ve lived my entire life on a farm and wanted my kids to experience the same kind of lifestyle I did. Shoveling out stalls daily and taking care of something that is completely dependent on you builds character,杰米说。.

了解杰米, you quickly realize she has a huge heart and a genuine passion for taking care of others. After dealing with a family member’s illness in her early 20’s, Jayme became inspired to pursue a career that would allow her to help others.

Jayme received her associate’s degree in nursing from the Community College of Rhode Island in 2002 and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from New England Institute of Technology University in 2017. Her nursing career began with Day Kimball at 29-years-old working in the med/surg. 重症监护病房. In 2004, Jayme left Day Kimball to start a family. She returned work in 2006 to practice nursing at Eastern Connecticut Hematology Oncology in Norwich, where she worked in collaboration with practice physicians to meet the needs of patients with cancer and blood disorders.

今年, with a desire to practice oncology nurse navigation and make a difference in the lives of those battling cancer in the Quiet Corner, Jayme returned to Day Kimball as the Cancer Center’s Nurse Navigator. When asked why she likes practicing at DKH, Jayme说, “I love being a part of the cancer team who are some of the most dedicated individuals I have ever had the pleasure of working with. The knowledge and compassion of the team is amazing.”

In her role as a nurse navigator, Jayme helps patients “navigate” through the health care system and receive timely care. Jayme works with patients to identify and remove barriers to effective care by coordination services, and helping to improve patient access and quality of care. She connects patients to the resources they may need, 比如经济援助, 咨询, 或交通. Jayme works as part of an integrated team that is in daily communication with physicians, 护士, 社会工作者, and nutritionists to support cancer patients from the beginning of diagnosis through survivorship.

“I am very lucky to be an oncology navigator,杰米说。. “The best part is I can make a difference in the patient’s care. I make sure they have the tools and the knowledge to face the new diagnosis of cancer. I am here to take the unknown and bring it into understandable language with care and compassion.”

When she’s not at the hospital, or on the farm with her 3 horses (Luna C. 米娜和T.J.), 2只山羊(Katnis和Ru), 和两只狗(马克斯和芬利), you may find Jayme on the beach, 打高尔夫球, or spending time with her family.

Read on to learn more about Jayme in this edition of 13 Questions.

1. 我成长于: Burrillville,国际扶轮.
2. 你的歌单上有谁? Garth Brooks, Jackson, Browne, Kenny Chesney, AC/DC, James Taylor.
3. 你最喜欢的电影是什么? Dirty Dancing, Grease, and The Notebook.
4. 你最喜欢什么颜色? 海岛海蓝.
5. 谁是你的英雄? 我的妈妈和爸爸. They have a great story of cancer survival and 50 years of love.
6. 养不养宠物? (如果有的话,请说出名字.) I have 3 horses, 3 cows, 5 chickens, and 2 dogs.
7. Name something on your bucket list. 去希腊旅游.
8. What’s your “go-to” comfort food? 披萨和薯条.
9. 智能手机, tablet or desktop? 智能手机!
10. People would be surprised to know that: I live on a farm and clean stalls daily.
11. What are you most passionate about? 家庭. My two daughters are my world.
12. How did you meet your husband? Tim and I met when I was bartending during nursing school. 他是我的顾客! We have been married for 19 years.
13. What’s your favorite place in northeast Connecticut? 当然是DKH!

Top: Jayme Dandeneau with her husband Tim, and their two daughters 16 year-old Grace and 14 year-old Emma.
中间: 杰米的三匹马卢娜C.米娜和T.J. 
底: Jayme’s two dogs 4-year-old Max (left) and 2-year old and Finley (right).


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